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Save Royton's Greenbelt appeal now available to download

Updated: Jan 11, 2020

The consultation has finally come to a close and hopefully everyone got their appeals in on time. Save Royton's Greenbelt Community Group were racing against the clock right up until the final day.

Just to be clear, the purpose of our campaign is not to deny the next generation a home of their own. However, Royton will not be getting affordable housing if these plans go forward. The research department at Save Royton's Greenbelt have studied the plans in extensive, forensic detail. We can prove the following:

  • The GMSF has manufactured a building land shortage using a mathematical conjuring trick, and if there is to be a land shortage it won't be for many years to come based on Oldham's building targets and current building land reserves.

  • The Green Belt that will be taken from Royton, Shaw & Crompton and Chadderton North accounts for 10 percent of the entire Greater Manchester total.

  • Eighty percent of the building on Oldham's Green Belt will be in and around Royton.

  • The houses that will be built on Royton's Green Belt will not be affordable. Using land registry data we have established that you would have to be among the top 5 percent of earners in Oldham to buy one. So not exactly "starter" homes.

  • The houses will increase Royton's population by 16 percent in less than a generation and the GMSF makes no provision for up-scaling infrastructure and public services.

In short, these plans are nothing short of a disaster for Royton, and the north of the borough in general. We believe our appeal is a powerful and evidential riposte to the ill-conceived Greater Manchester Spatial Framework.

The GMCA and OMBC do not have consent from the people of Royton to take their Green Belt and build all over it.


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