Across Oldham MB, 352 ha (hectares) of greenbelt will be built on. Royton will lose 68 ha of greenbelt, but Shaw & Crompton is the worst hit, forfeiting 143 ha. After incorporating Saddleworth’s 10 ha of greenbelt additions (Green Belt topic paper, p. 49–51), the net loss of greenbelt will be 342 ha across Oldham. All told, Royton, Shaw & Crompton and Chadderton North (44 ha) will lose 255 ha of greenbelt between them accounting for approximately 75 percent of Oldham's greenbelt loss and over 10 percent of the Greater Manchester total.
On top of that Royton and Shaw & Crompton will also lose 59 ha of Other Protected Open Land (OPOL) taking the total net loss of protected land across Royton to 91 ha, and 401 ha across Oldham.
The widely publicised claim that “half of the greenbelt has been saved” while may be true at metropolitan level, is not true in relation to Oldham MB. Oldham loses 342 ha in the 2019 draft compared to 434 ha in the 2016 draft—a saving of just 21 percent (Green Belt topic paper, p. 31).
The tables below catalogue how much protected land each district will lose, along with the overall total for Oldham and Greater Manchester. Please bear in mind that the figures given at sub-borough level are not provided in the GMSF documentation so are only estimates obtained using the MappingGM measuring tool.
A complete ward level breakdown can be viewed here.